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Each of us is experiencing the ascension process in a different way.  I am extremely sensitive to the feel of energy and have been delighted to recently discover that I am more able to “feel” other beings.  The humming of bees, the sound of birds is so much more pronounced than it has been.  Plants are alive with more than you see.

I had an amazing experience this week.  I felt a huge energy ball just appear in my awareness.  In size, I would describe it as the look of a very small garden snake considering swallowing a soccer ball, but the energy was not “in” my head or neck – rather “beside” it, near the temple.  It was, however, larger than what I perceived would “fit”, and was more than a bit disarming to consider.  Fortunately I have learned to trust that these are amazing gifts and began the process of relaxing and expanding my column of light to receive.  It took more than a few minutes for this amazing expansion of my soul to realign and begin to integrate.  Colors seemed so much brighter, and the connection of prayer thrums and pulses in an extraordinary fashion.

Archangel Michael speaks about this process in a message channeled in July 2014, by Ronna Herman.  If you have not seen Ronna’s website or the free monthly channelings, I recommend that you do !

There are two more super moons to experience this summer !!  The changes we are growing through are simply phenomenal.

The physical symptoms and experiences of ascension can be frightening and significant.  Give a call if I can help.

Love and light,
